, pub-7314354026449841, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 WHRO World Human Rights Organization. ~ Aalamban Charitable Trust & WHRO

Sunday 5 May 2024

WHRO World Human Rights Organization.

 WHRO World Human Rights Organization.



World Human Rights Organization is a worldwide movement of

people who campaign for Worldly recognized human rights for

all. Our supporters are outraged by human rights abuses but inspired

by hope for a better world - so we work to improve human rights

through campaigning and World solidarity.

You can help make a real difference by becoming a member or supporter

of World Human Rights Organization.

•To organize, promote, undertake all programmers for the formation of

fearless and non-succumbing society on the basis of truthfulness &


•To organize, promote, undertake, sponsor, carry out all programmers

for the benefit of naturally challenged persons, schedule caste,

schedule tribes, people under poverty line, old-aged, widow and down

trodden irrespective of caste, creed, sex and religion and culture

such as:

•Human Resource Development

•Health & Family welfare

•Agriculture and Allied Industries Development

•Environment & Forest

•Rural Development

•Urban Development

•Social Justice & Empowerment

•Youth Affairs and Sports

•Science & Technologies and Communication & Information Technology

•Science & In the field of Human Rights


World Human Rights Organization (WHRO) is an expression of

national and World tradition of tolerance in all cultures that

form the basics of peace and progress.

WHRO is based on the philosophy of HUMAN RIGHTS. "Vasudhav Kutumbakum"

(The whole world is family)" All human beings are born equal and free.

What is Human Rights?

Human rights are the basic rights of each individual in any part of

the globe irrespective of cast, creed, sex, age, colour, status. It

encompasses all social economic political, cultural anti-elements

based on law of nature with the aim of ensuring justice, freedom and

equality viz. individual and collective existence.

Agencies which implement human rights include United Nations (Office

of the High Commissioner for Human Rights), National Human Rights

Commission in different countries, Amnesty World,

World Human Rights Movement and a number of NGO's in different

parts of the world.


The Vision of WHRO is the formation of fearless and non-succumbing

society on the basis of truthfulness & nonviolence.

This society will allow peaceful existence of all types of naturally

challenged persons, schedule caste, schedule tribes, people under

poverty line, old-aged, widow and down trodden irrespective of caste,

creed, sex and religion. This society in its majority will be

constituted by the followers of human rights and human rights

activists consequently reducing the pool of wrongdoers. A vision of a

society of human rights followers.


World Human Rights Organization is a worldwide movement of

people who campaign for Worldly recognized human rights for

all. Our supporters are outraged by human rights abuses but inspired

by hope for a better world - so we work to improve human rights

through campaigning and World solidarity.

You can help make a real difference by becoming a member or supporter

of World Human Rights Organization.

•To organize, promote, undertake all programmers for the formation of

fearless and non-succumbing society on the basis of truthfulness &


•To organize, promote, undertake, sponsor, carry out all programmers

for the benefit of naturally challenged persons, schedule caste,

schedule tribes, people under poverty line, old-aged, widow and down

trodden irrespective of caste, creed, sex and religion and culture

such as:

•Human Resource Development

•Health & Family welfare

•Agriculture and Allied Industries Development

•Environment & Forest

•Rural Development

•Urban Development

•Social Justice & Empowerment

•Youth Affairs and Sports

•Science & Technologies and Communication & Information Technology

•Science & In the field of Human Rights



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